Sunday, June 7, 2015

Technology Integration Planning (TIP) Model

          Technology Integration Planning, also known as TIP, is a model for teachers. This is specifically used by those who are newer to technology use. This model was created to show how to integrate technology into teaching. A planning approach is needed to ensure strategies used will be successful. This model is useful when choosing the best strategies and materials then utilizing technology to meet needs. The three broad phases help the technology will be meaningful, efficient, and successful to meet the needs. This TIP model allows new technology integrating teachers to have a guide on the procedures and issues them may use or run into.

        This model has three phases. The first Phase is analysis of learning and teaching needs. It is broken down into a two step analysis. The first one is determine relative advantage. The second step is assess Tech-PACK. The second phase is planning for integration. It breaks down into the next three steps. The first step in this phase is where teachers decide on objectives and assessments. The second is the design integration strategies. The last step is to prepare instructional environment. The third phase in this model is post-instruction analysis and revisions. Here is it broken down into two more steps. The first step is analyze the results. The last one is to make revisions.

Phase one: Analysis of Learning and Teaching Needs
This phase is for teachers when they are teaching topics for the first time. It is also used when the strategies are not as effective as they had wished them to be. What could be changed? What could they implement? How could incorporating technology be more beneficial? This phase breaks into two separate analysis steps for teachers to use as a guide. 
Step 1Here is where teachers look at their current teaching and problems and add technology as a method that creates good solutions.If the method offers new benefits over the old one, more teachers will most likely use it.  
Step 2: TPACK was first known as TPCK and then later changed/ was added to. This stands for the combination of technological pedagogy content knowledge. This is required to integrate technology into instruction. TPACK allows teachers to identify what they must learn about to implement a new teaching strategy. 

Phase two: Planning for Integration
There are three activities that result in plans and products to carry out instructions, assess students, and create an environment that will support technology integration.
Step 3: During this step teachers figure out what students learned. They decide on the skills students should learn from a technology integrated lesson. They design ways to assess them on how well they learned and how effect the activity was.
Step 4: Teachers figure out what teaching strategies and activities worked best. They decide on how to use instructional strategies. They use the characteristics for the topic and the needs of their students to address both within constraints of the classroom.
Step 5: Essential conditions to support integrating technology are decided here. It should be effect in a class. Adequate hardware, software, and technical support are needed in this step. Providing essential needs for all students to learn is the main focus for teachers.

Phase three: Post-Instruction Analysis and Revisions
Teachers complete technology-based projects with the students in this phase. They use evidence to view how successful the strategies and plans were in solving the problems. They then use that to change the objectives, strategies, and implementation tasks to continue to better the success further.
Step 6: Things asked in this step are things like were the objectives achieved, what do students say, could the results improve, and did the integration good. It requires answering two summary questions about evaluating and revising technology strategies.
Step 7: Based on all of the results here is where teachers make revisions to anything throughout the lesson as needed. The students results should be a deciding factor of what to revise.

Below is model lists the phases and the steps that follow them.  

The ideal goal for teachers is to aim for the middle section in this diagram where all three phases are emerged. This is where they will be integrating technology the best ways possible. 

I found this picture while searching for the TPACK model. I really liked it so I thought I would add it. It shows the three main content areas and lists the tasks and characteristics in each subject.

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